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The Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity recognises outstanding contributions to climate action and solutions that inspire hope and possibility.
SEKEM and the Egyptian Biodynamic Association (EBDA) are the first Egyptian organizations to win the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity.
(Saturday July 13th, 2024 — - Dubai, UAE)
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In 2019, along with other mothers from the parent's committee, Ortiz started a vegetable patch at her children's school, the Porfirio Diaz Elementary School, to ensure they were eating nutritious food. The women grow native crops, such as coriander and green beans, as well as onions, garlic and radishes, which require little water. They sell any leftover produce at the market and use the money to make school improvements.
Despite their success, the women knew this project was vulnerable to climate impacts. They were right; when the drought came in 2019, their crops began to fail.
That same year they started working with the non-profit Group to Promote Education and Sustainable Development (Grupedsac), which was founded 30 years ago in Mexico City. The non-profit aims to teach women how to manage water and their land using ancestral ways of irrigation and growing endemic medicinal plants that are drought-resilient.
(Friday July 12th, 2024 — BBC online - UK)
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For centuries, Tuscany-Italy's legendary wine region-has been synonymous with fine winemaking and high-quality reds like Chianti. More recently, a fresh breeze has swept across the hills: sustainability or rather - and correctly so - organic farming with an increasing success of biodynamic viticulture in Tuscany.
(Thursday July 11th, 2024 — FINE magazine - Oceanside, California USA)
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Andrea Morgan has painter�s hands. Except, it�s not the stain of oils or acrylics that decorate her fingers, but the browns, greens and yellows of the earth she tends at Moonshadow Farm, the soil and plants she touches every day. While this farmer�s creations aren�t hung in galleries, they�re just as creative as any work of art. �Farming is artistic inherently, especially this kind of farming,� Morgan said, referring to her farm�s method of growing biodynamically.
(Thursday July 11th, 2024 — Park Record - Park City, Utah USA)
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In a series of lectures, Rudolf Steiner outlined what became known as biodynamic agriculture. The Austrian native was a disciple of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and advocated what loosely translates as �spiritual science.�
(Friday July 5th, 2024 — Washington Post - Washington DC USA)
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Advocates hope the June birth of a white buffalo calf - an exceedingly rare event - will translate into new momentum for a decades-long push to revive the species in America's Great Plains.
Many tribes consider a white bison birth to be a sacred omen that signifies change. The herd this calf was born into has also become an important cultural symbol - it's the last wild buffalo herd in North America.
(Friday July 5th, 2024 — BBC online - UK)
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Terry Sullivan�s Upper Five Vineyard became Southern Oregon�s first certified organic operation in 2005. But he didn�t stop there. Six years ago, his Talent vineyard, planted on the �upper five� acres of the historic Bagley pear orchard, was biodynamically certified by Demeter U.S.A.
(Monday July 1st, 2024 — Oregon Wine Press)
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Residents with special needs are living life to the full in Camphill Community in Kilkenny, writes Nessa Robins.
(Wednesday June 26th, 2024 — Irish Farmers journal - Dublin, Ireland)
Adult Education |
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Many people are familiar with Demeter as a brand name but they don�t necessarily know what it stands for. A new magazine � �Living Farms� � published by the Section for Agriculture at the Goetheanum illustrates the Demeter principles and how they are applied around the world.
(Tuesday June 25th, 2024 — Mynewsdesk - Press Release Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland)
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Vitikultur Moser has been biodynamically certified with Demeter since 2005. Niki started experimenting with biodynamics around the year 2000.
(Monday June 24th, 2024 — Forbes)
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The Iberian lynx is no longer classified as endangered, with one group calling it the �greatest recovery of a cat species ever achieved through conservation.�
(Saturday June 22nd, 2024 — Washington Post - Washington DC USA)
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The village of Rodia is on the outskirts of Olympus, just 20 kilometres from the centre of Larissa. There, the agronomist Egli Raptou has started an admirable effort to revive the family olive grove that had been abandoned for years.
(Saturday June 22nd, 2024 — Greek City Times)
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The biotech giant Bayer has lobbied Congress over the past year to advance legislation that could shield the company from billions of dollars in lawsuits, part of a national campaign to defeat claims that its weedkiller Roundup causes cancer in people who use it frequently.
The measure threatens to make it harder for farmers and groundskeepers to argue that they were not fully informed about some health and safety risks posed by the popular herbicide. By erecting new legal barriers to bringing those cases, Bayer seeks to prevent sizable payouts to plaintiffs while sparing itself from a financial crisis.
At the heart of the lobbying push is glyphosate, the active ingredient in certain formulations of Roundup.
(Friday June 21st, 2024 — Washington Post - Washington DC USA)
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John Nagorcky moved to biodynamic viticulture in 1999 and these three wines from his Hochkirch label in southwest Victoria are a testament to his methods.
(Thursday June 20th, 2024 — AFR - Australian Financial Review)
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Hilma is a lush biopic about one of the first abstract painters in Western art history, a Swedish woman by the name of Hilma af Klint, who set off to challenge the entire artistic world in the late 1800s. ... This was all undoubtedly inspired by ... and eventually her idol, a mid-1900 famous architect named Rudolf Steiner who always wanted to find a connection between science and spirituality.
(Wednesday June 19th, 2024 — MovieWeb)
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Treatments for long-term effects following a Covid-19 infection or Covid vaccinations do not seem to work for all patients. The internist and gastroenterologist Harald Matthes speaks in a podcast about experiences with helpful treatments from Anthroposophic Medicine.
(Monday June 17th, 2024 — Mynewsdesk - Press Release Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland)
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Also in Hastings, Te Whare Te Manukura at Taikura Rudolf Steiner School was one of two local schools honoured in the Education category.
(Monday June 17th, 2024 — NZ Herald)
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Biodynamic farmers aspire to generate their own fertility and plant, spray and harvest crops according to the lunar calendar. It might sound modern, but the practice is two centuries old.
(Saturday June 15th, 2024 — Country Life - UK)
Bio Agriculture |
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Two South Australian vineyards have emerged as winners in the prestigious Young Gun of Wine 4th Annual Vineyard of the Year Awards, an event celebrating Australia�s top vineyards and their growers.... Ngeringa Biodynamic Winery and Farm ...
(Friday June 14th, 2024 — Glam Adelaide)
Bio Agriculture |
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Whether they�re solving puzzles, doing math or wielding tools, elephants have long been known for their cognitive abilities, and a study published this week suggests yet another aspect to their intelligence � they might even address one another by individual names.
(Tuesday June 11th, 2024 — Washington Post - Washington DC USA)
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