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For the second year in a row, Denmark is the most wind-powered country in world history, Danish officials announced this weekend. The Scandinavian country produced a whopping 42 percent of its electricity from wind power in 2015, the highest proportion ever achieved by a country, according to Denmark’s utility company, Energinet. (Monday January 18th, 2016 — Huffington Post - USA)

Miscellaneous 140

Home visits consist of the primary class teacher going to meet the family in their own surroundings as a way to better understand who the child is, what their home life is like and to begin a critically important relationship with the family. (Monday January 18th, 2016 — Sonoma Index-Tribune - Sonoma, California USA)

Waldorf 145

Eight young students from South Korea are attending classes at Viroqua’s Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School (PRWS) for three weeks from Jan. 3-22. (Wednesday January 13th, 2016 — Swnews4u - Lancaster, Wisconsin USA)

Waldorf 824

With the eyes of the world turned on Paris for the ongoing COP21 climate talks, a plan to end food waste in France’s grocery stores is back on track. On Wednesday, the French parliament reintroduced—and passed—legislation that would require supermarkets to give unsold items that are nearing their sell-by date to charity or turn them into animal feed. (Monday January 11th, 2016 — TakePart.com)

Miscellaneous 150

Some Spanish growers take things a step further, by focusing on biodynamic greenhouse vegetables. (Monday January 11th, 2016 — FreshPlaza - The Netherlands)

Bio Agriculture 590

... the remaining performing elephants will be phased out of circus acts by this May, a full 18 months ahead of schedule, reports the Associated Press (Monday January 11th, 2016 — Care2.com)

Miscellaneous 508

The pandemic of children’s attention deficit spectrum and emotional disorders appears linked to precocious challenges in childhood development. (Friday January 8th, 2016 — Wall Street Journal - USA)

Waldorf 204

The tortoise found only on Pinta Island (Chelonoidis abingdoni) went formally extinct in 2012, when its last representative, a male held in captivity and nicknamed Lonesome George, died. ... Ten years ago our genetic research program made a very surprising discovery. Some tortoises on Volcano Wolf, on Isabela Island, didn’t match others normally found on the volcano (Chelonoidis becki). Instead, their DNA matched that of the extinct species from Floreana and Pinta. ... Our recent expedition was aimed at finding the animals with a high proportion of ancestors from Floreana or Pinta. (Thursday January 7th, 2016 — Huffington Post - USA)

Miscellaneous 165

We urge Napa Valley grapegrowers to use organic and biodynamic methods if they perceive the need to control weeds. We also urge the Napa Valley Vintners and our local agricultural commissioner to enable consumers to search for wine producers using organic and biodynamic grapes on their websites. Lastly, we encourage consumers to purchase wines that are labeled “organic” or “biodynamic,” or as having been “made with organically grown grapes.” (Tuesday January 5th, 2016 — Napa Valley Register - California USA)

Bio Agriculture 177

To give any resolution a proper chance to materialize, we would need to start with a fresh Will at the Spring Equinox: around March 20 in the North, and around September 20 in the South. But then what do we do in January? Rudolf Steiner ponders: "The Winter will arouse in me the Summer of the Soul." (From Week 30, The Calendar of the Soul by Rudolf Steiner) (Monday January 4th, 2016 — Huffington Post - USA)

Rudolf Steiner 185

Impy Pilapil’s works have been influenced by Austrian philosopher and polymath Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), who developed “anthroposophy,” which teaches that people can discover truths through research and observation. It encompasses metaphysics, natural science and art. Those who have followed Steiner include artists Piet Mondrian, Wassily Kandinsky and architect Richard Neutra; they believed that the arts could make indefinable, spiritual laws comprehensible to the senses. As a result, their works have taken an organic character. (Friday December 18th, 2015 — Inquirer.net - UK)

Art 516

Pope Francis today blew out 79 candles on a giant “biodynamic” lemon cake made especially for his birthday and delivered to his St. Marta residence. ... No doubt made with the Pope’s environment encyclical Laudato Si in mind, the cake was the product of biodynamic agriculture, very similar to organic farming. (Thursday December 17th, 2015 — National Catholic Register (blog) )

Bio Agriculture 521

The fairy penguins, as I'm going to call them, faced being wiped out on Middle Island - until a chicken farmer, by the made-for-cinema name of Swampy Marsh, came up with a plan. He suggested sending one of his Maremma dogs to protect the birds. "In Australia those dogs are generally used for chicken protection or goats or sheep," says Abbott. ... Amazingly, since Oddball and his four-legged successors were introduced 10 years ago, there has not been a single penguin killed by a fox on Middle Island. (Monday December 14th, 2015 — BBC online)

Miscellaneous 433

About Sonja Stark Illuminating the darkness in Swedish song By Sonja Stark, PilotGirl on December 13, 2015 at 9:46 PM 0 St Lucia Day concert December 13th is one of the most important days in the Swedish holiday season. It’s called Saint Lucia Day (Sankta Lucia) and celebrations take place across the country that rejoice in the mid-winter darkness. The old saint’s calendar marks the winter solstice as the darkest day of the year. I spent the evening illuminated by young maidens dressed in simple white gowns and red sashes singing traditional Swedish song. One-by-one, a procession of angelic voices carried forward into a dark greenhouse aided only by small candles. They circled up and down rows of gatherers sitting on wooden benches huddled under wool blankets listening intently. A radiant blonde wearing a crown or wreath of candles on her head walked forward taking center stage. As folklores go, she represented the Sicilian Christian martyr Saint Lucy who died in AD 304. For an hour, I closed my eyes and let the beautiful chorus melt away my cold chills. Soft, mellifluous and other-worldly, their voices sounded just as acoustically perfect in the greenhouse as they would in church. Rosendal's Garden (the "Rose Valley" in Swedish) is an open garden in Stockholm that provides biodynamic (organic) cultivation to the general public. It's open through December to host traditional holiday events and cultural activities. Rosendal’s Garden (the “Rose Valley” in Swedish) is an open garden in Stockholm that provides biodynamic (organic) cultivation to the general public. It’s open through December to host traditional holiday events and cultural activities. (Sunday December 13th, 2015 — Albany Times Union (blog) - Albany, New York USA)

Bio Agriculture 213

I have been visiting this Western Australia town and region for the past 25 years ... On a recent trip, I ate at both Cullen Wines (the most biodynamic of all the vineyards) and Leeuwin Estate, and I recommend both for their fresh seafood and locally sourced vegetables. (Sunday December 13th, 2015 — Newsweek )

Bio Agriculture 146

According to a December 1 press release from the French agriculture minister’s office: This initiative intends to show that a small increase of 4/1000 per year of the soil carbon stock (agricultural soils, notably grasslands and pastures, and forest soils) is a major leverage in order to improve soil fertility, resilience of farmers and contribute to the long-term objective of keeping the global average temperature increase below 2 degrees. (Saturday December 12th, 2015 — Alternet.org)

Miscellaneous 64

Discussion: Tony Trobe and Gary J. Wilson, a Canberra writer. ... GW: Griffin learnt his trade in the office, not the lecture hall. He was the third generation of a "school" of American architects with international influence. Both the Griffins had worked for Frank Lloyd Wright who developed the crucial architectural concept, organic architecture. Wright learnt in Louis Sullivan's practice. Sullivan is called the "father of modernism", even the "prophet of modem architecture". His dictum, "Form follows function", became axiomatic. Rudolf Steiner practiced organic architecture in Europe, although he's now known for his international network of primary and secondary "Steiner" schools. He wrote in German on the esoteric and developed anthroposophy, merging science with spirituality. That explains the Griffins' esoterica. TT: How are Wright's and Sullivan's ideas connected to Canberra's town planning heritage? GW: Organic architecture aims to integrate the structure with the environment. It is not limited to external shapes and textures but carries the design elements, forms, materials and motifs inside, even to the furniture. Essentially it seems an aesthetic consideration but follows the idea of man living with the environment rather than conquering it. It enhances the psychological well-being of the community with a sympathetic environment. It is critical to the idea of a garden city dominated by its landscape. (Saturday December 5th, 2015 — Sydney Morning Herald - Australia)

Architecture 148

Waldorf dolls, as they’re known, have a real fan base worldwide and an artisan in Windsor creates her own versions of the old-timey, all-natural toys for customers as far away as the southern United States and even Hong Kong and China. (Friday December 4th, 2015 — Windsor Star - Windsor, Ontario Canada)

Waldorf 158

In an announcement made at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Paris, Monsanto will be investigated by a citizen’s tribunal ”for crimes against nature and humanity, and ecocide.” The trial — led by environmental activist groups — will take place next year at the International People’s Court in The Hague, Netherlands on October 16, 2016 (incidentally and aptly, on World Food Day). (Friday December 4th, 2015 — Care2.com)

Miscellaneous 176

In the heart of Silicon Valley is a nine-classroom school where employees of tech giants Google, Apple and Yahoo send their children. But despite its location in America’s digital centre, there is not an iPad, smartphone or screen in sight. Instead teachers at the Waldorf School of the Peninsula prefer a more hands-on, experiential approach to learning that contrasts sharply with the rush to fill classrooms with the latest electronic devices. The pedagogy emphasises the role of imagination in learning and takes a holistic approach that integrates the intellectual, practical and creative development of pupils. (Thursday December 3rd, 2015 — The Guardian - UK)

Waldorf 179
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Image 9780929979137.jpgMarkerThe Riddle of ManMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9781855841833.jpgMarkerTransforming the Soul, Vol.2Marker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9780919924192.jpgMarkerThe Waking of the Human Soul and the Forming of Desti...Marker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9781855841895.jpgMarkerChristmasMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9781855840508.jpgMarkerThe Four Seasons and the ArchangelsMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9780880104203.jpgMarkerThe Effects of Esoteric DevelopmentMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
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