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Arizona Muse’s life has changed tremendously in the years since she rapidly ascended the fashion world hierarchy after both opening and closing a Prada show in 2010 as a newcomer to modeling. ... Muse has taken on the task of being an ambassador for biodynamic farming, a concept that few outside the agriculture industry are fully familiar with. “Regenerative farmers are amazing because they’re not using any chemicals at all. They’re composting and building soil fertility that way,” she explains. “Then you have biodynamics, which takes another leap in another direction off of regenerative. What you have is a type of agriculture that uses all the techniques within regenerative, like crop rotation, like mobile grazing for animals, like composting and then it takes another layer as well. It says, okay, so plants have a physical being that I can touch, eat sometimes even. But there’s undeniably something inside them that’s keeping them alive. They look very different when they’re dead for instance. Biodynamics has these medicines that farm the life within the plants.” (Wednesday February 16th, 2022 — ELLE )

Bio Agriculture 13

Abnormal growths in its fossilized neck bones suggest that the long-necked dino suffered from a pneumonia-like illness (Tuesday February 15th, 2022 — Meet Dolly, the First Dinosaur Discovered With a Case of the Sniffles)

Miscellaneous 10

Praise has been heaped on a ‘tool-kit’ book written by biodynamic farmer, Marina Brown-O’Connell, who has transformed ‘a miserable bit of land’ into a thriving farm. (Monday February 14th, 2022 — Kingsbridge & Salcombe Gazette - UK)

Bio Agriculture 14

Many animals, of course, are equipped with highly developed sensory apparatus that can read an array of natural signals on which their lives may depend – so it seems perfectly possible that some animals may be able to pick up any earthquake precursors. Unpleasant chemicals could be sniffed out, low frequency waves picked up, and ionised air sensed by sensations in fur or feathers. (Monday February 14th, 2022 — BBC online)

Miscellaneous 12

Waldorf education is based on the ideas and teachings of Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian educator and philosopher who opened his first school In Stuttgart, Germany, in 1919. Steiner’s schools focused on “whole child” development, rather than the narrow academic focus popular in German schools at the time. Today, there are almost 1,200 Waldorf schools and more than 1,900 Waldorf kindergartens around the world, according to the Alliance for Public Waldorf Education. (Friday February 11th, 2022 — US News.com)

Waldorf 9

"If there are floods, it's expected that many people will move to higher ground. But the alternative is to stay close to coastal cities and explore expansion onto the water," says De Graaf. "If you consider that in the second half of the century, hundreds of millions of people will be displaced by sea level rise, we need to start now to increase the scale of floating developments." (Monday February 7th, 2022 — BBC online)

Miscellaneous 8

Dutch startup, Ocean Grazer, has developed the Ocean Battery, which stores energy below the wind farm. When there is excess electricity the system pumps water from an underground reservoir into tough, flexible bladders that sit on the sea bed. You could think of them like big bicycle inner tubes. (Friday February 4th, 2022 — BBC online)

Miscellaneous 9

Wilyabrup’s Cullen Wines are celebrating after $36,000 of in-principle funding was approved this week by the State Government. The money was sought under the Department of Agriculture’s $15 million Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program and will allow the biodynamic winery to further advance its Wilyabrup soil carbon project. (Thursday February 3rd, 2022 — The West Australian)

Bio Agriculture 13

Cooper Mountain Vineyards, the first certified Biodynamic winery in the Pacific Northwest, is expanding where it’s planted with two significant acquisitions in the Willamette Valley. (Tuesday February 1st, 2022 — Oregon Wine Press)

Bio Agriculture 14

There are 14% more tree species than previously thought, according to what researchers are calling the first "scientifically credible" estimate. (Tuesday February 1st, 2022 — BBC online)

Miscellaneous 8

To grow the healthiest food we need to understand what we put into it to start with (Friday January 28th, 2022 — BBC online)

Miscellaneous 15

Today, leafy vegetables ... accompany many West African dishes. ... archaeology and archaeobotany researchers at Goethe University and chemical scientists from the University of Bristol have corroborated that the origins of such West African dishes date back 3,500 years. (Friday January 28th, 2022 — ScienceDaily)

Miscellaneous 16

The orange-winged insect’s population increased from 2,000 in 2020 to nearly 250,000 in 2021 (Friday January 28th, 2022 — Smithsonian Magazine - Washington DC USA)

Miscellaneous 17

With rose-shaped corals as far as the eye can see, it is one of the largest healthy reefs on record (Friday January 28th, 2022 — Smithsonian Magazine - Washington DC USA)

Miscellaneous 14

DWP’s work is part of a growing movement toward regenerative finance — a holistic approach to investment that aim to use targeted capital distribution as a tool to create healthy and equitable social and environmental systems. And as RSF Social Finance CEO Jasper van Brakel pointed out in a recent post, while philanthropic grantmaking is aimed at solving problems, the typical process maintains skewed power relationships in ways that block access to innovative ideas and reinforce social disparities. (Monday January 24th, 2022 — ustainable Life Media, Inc.)

Investing 14

Scandinavian-style forest schools are booming in Europe and the US – and spreading in Asia, too. Could outdoor classrooms be the future? (Sunday January 23rd, 2022 — BBC online)

Miscellaneous 12

Approximately 96% of New Zealand’s vineyard-producing area is certified sustainable and 10% is certified organic, with many producers also farming biodynamically. (Thursday January 20th, 2022 — WineMag.com)

Bio Agriculture 14

“Children and young people should be given the chance to develop all their interests and talents, whether they are scientific and technological or artistic and spiritual,” says dr Michaela Glöckler, president of Eliant, a Goetheanum partner organization. The Goetheanum is the headquarters of the School of Spiritual Science and the world centre for the anthroposophical movement. The building was designed by Rudolf Steiner, the founding father of anthroposophy. Located in Switzerland, the organisation is active worldwide in research, development, teaching, and the practical implementation of its research findings. (Monday January 17th, 2022 — The Brussels Times)

Anthroposophy 12

Subverting the toxic doctrine of hustle culture, Jahan Jhala left his corporate job in the UK to return to his fourth-generation family farm in Gujarat’s Gir forest. Along with his partner Mallika Chandra, he has now undertaken the ambitious endeavour of transforming the plot into a lush, biodynamic pocket (Monday January 17th, 2022 — Vogue India)

Bio Agriculture 12

The South American government will curb fishing in more than 20,000 square miles of ocean next to the archipelago, which is treasured for its abundance of wildlife (Friday January 14th, 2022 — Washington Post - Washington DC USA)

Miscellaneous 15
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Image 9781855841444.jpgMarkerBreathing the SpiritMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9781855840607.jpgMarkerAngelsMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9781855841420.jpgMarkerBreathing the SpiritMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9780880101462.jpgMarkerThe Ahrimanic DeceptionMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9781855841864.jpgMarkerThe Karma of Untruthfulness, Vol.1Marker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9780936132716.jpgMarkerGoethe's World ViewMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
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