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The stunning, colorful flooring depicts 17 iconographies of birds and animals (Wednesday September 21st, 2022 — Smithsonian Magazine - Washington DC USA)

Miscellaneous 13

. In a nutshell, steiner training emphasises on the whole child and assembly the ones desires – bodily, academic, non secular and emotional. (Wednesday September 21st, 2022 — Daily Hover)

Waldorf 18

Streams of light perforate the intricate jaali screens, creating a sublime effect of lighting and depth. Along with energy-saving lights, this architectural feature helps keep the building's carbon footprint low and is one of the reasons the office has a Leed (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) platinum rating, the US Green Building Council’s highest sustainability certification. (Tuesday September 20th, 2022 — BBC online)

Miscellaneous 8

The world, indeed, may be better off with all these ants. By tunneling, they aerate soil and drag seeds underground to sprout. They serve as a source of food for untold arthropods, birds and mammals. While carpenter ants are pesky to homeowners, forests would be stacked to the brim with dead wood without the decomposing power of wood-destroying insects. (Monday September 19th, 2022 — Washington Post - Washington DC USA)

Miscellaneous 14

On Friday, eight of these wild cats, the world’s fastest land animals, were flown from Namibia in Africa to India as part of an effort to reintroduce them into the country. The global population of cheetahs is 6,500 to 7,100, according to a list of threatened animals from the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Africa is home to most of the cheetahs, which are extinct across Asia, except in Iran. They are disappearing in large part because of poaching, shrinking habitats and a loss of prey. (Saturday September 17th, 2022 — Washington Post - Washington DC USA)

Miscellaneous 20

The thriving one-acre plot was established last year at the West Lexham wellness retreat centre near Swaffham. Despite this year's bone-dry conditions, it has delivered "terrific" crops including heritage tomatoes, squashes, aubergines and salad delicacies. (Thursday September 15th, 2022 — Eastern Daily Press - UK)

Bio Agriculture 18

There are hundreds of Biodynamic and Organic wines available in the U.S., but these are some of our favorites. (Thursday September 15th, 2022 — Yahoo Finance)

Bio Agriculture 9

Biodynamic farming has proven to be one of real value. Over 800 wine producers in more than 20 countries have earned the Demeter certification. (Thursday September 15th, 2022 — Worth)

Bio Agriculture 10

Artist of the Month at Gallery 246 is Lucia Birkenkrane. Born in London, England, she grew up in Berlin, Germany, finishing high school there. As a child, Lucia attended the Waldorf School that greatly emphasized art and creativity at a very young age. When the young artist began painting with watercolors, Lucia was inspired by a very old Catholic Church, the Saints, botanicals, and the architecture in Germany. (Wednesday September 14th, 2022 — Batesville Daily Guard)

Waldorf 22

Biodynamics encompasses the restrictions of agrochemicals, just like organics, but goes further in codifying a whole system of agriculture with proscribed animal, mineral and plant-based preparations and treatments designed to support the health of the farm as a whole. It also follows a calendar based around the movement of the moon and the stars that determines when to do what on the farm. (Sunday September 11th, 2022 — Stuff.co.nz)

Bio Agriculture 7

The Camphill Communities of Ireland farm in Grangemockler, Co. Tipperary, has developed a craft dairy project and carried out farm improvements after receiving LEADER funding through South Tipperary Development Company, and assistance from the Mockler family trust fund, longstanding supporters of Grangemockler community. (Sunday September 11th, 2022 — Agriland - Ireland)

Camphill 10

The environmental, nutritional and moral case for eating wild foods (Friday September 9th, 2022 — Washington Post - Washington DC USA)

Miscellaneous 24

This move to organic farming subsequently led to an estate-wide adoption of biodynamic agriculture, which promotes healthy soil using compost and animal manure, as well as crop and grazing rotations. One study, by the Europe-based Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, found that organic material in soil within a biodynamic system remained stable for the first 21 years of the study while soils in other systems declined. (Friday September 9th, 2022 — The Globe and Mail - Canada)

Bio Agriculture 7

In Alsace, France, where vineyard land is often passed down for generations, a sense of stewardship is palpable. This comes through in practices like handpicking the steep slopes and organic farming. It’s also apparent in the notably high number of wineries that use biodynamic practices in the vineyard, cellar or both. (Friday September 9th, 2022 — Wine Enthusiast Magazine)

Bio Agriculture 13

They’re expected to keep some 4,000 tons of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere each year (Wednesday September 7th, 2022 — Smithsonian Magazine - Washington DC USA)

Miscellaneous 20

Living on a remote, barren isle bestowed with few resources, the Rapanui needed to combine ingenious design with flawless sculpting to move the massive moai without any machinery. (Wednesday September 7th, 2022 — BBC online)

Miscellaneous 12

Hawaii is the first state to implement a complete coal ban, though other states have passed laws that will transition away from the power source in upcoming years, per the AP. (Tuesday September 6th, 2022 — Smithsonian Magazine - Washington DC USA)

Miscellaneous 6

Arapakis, now 28, had an idea: He would try to convince the fishing industry to treat plastic as a catch. In 2016, he launched a nonprofit focused on sea cleanup and fishing education called Enaleia, a play on Greek words that calls to mind sustainable fishing. Once the fishers brought the plastic ashore, he would recycle it and pay them for their trouble. Six years into the project, he has signed up more than half of Greece’s large-scale fishing fleet — hundreds of ships — to pull in the plastic they gather as they ply the Mediterranean. He plans to keep expanding globally. (Wednesday August 31st, 2022 — Washington Post - Washington DC USA)

Miscellaneous 18

Recent studies have demonstrated that Cannabis sativa (marijuana), Nigella sativa (black seed), Annona muricata (soursop), Curcuma longa (turmeric), Moringa oleifera, Piper nigrum (black pepper), dual thermal ablation technique among others could provide cure for pancreatic cancer.Commonly called weed, marijuana, hemp, igbo, gbana, kaya, wee-wee, or abana, Cannabis sativa has become a novel adjunct treatment for cancer, pain, poor appetite, nausea, epilepsy to mention but a few. (Monday August 29th, 2022 — The Guardian Nigeria)

Miscellaneous 13

Carlei is also increasingly fascinated by another aspect of terroir that is a little more esoteric. In the early 2000s, he started following the biodynamic system of organic farming in his vineyards. (Wednesday August 24th, 2022 — Financial Review Magazine - Australia)

Bio Agriculture 11
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